Transforme-se em uma pessoa disciplinada

Descubra o caminho para a disciplina e o sucesso pessoal na Comunidade Disciplina.

Transforme-se com disciplina e foco

Na Comunidade Disciplina, oferecemos um espaço onde você pode desenvolver sua disciplina pessoal e alcançar seus objetivos. Junte-se a nós e comece sua jornada de autoconhecimento e crescimento.

A page from a book titled 'Aftermath of Buying' focuses on mastering one's mindset. The text advises taking time to meditate, surround yourself with wisdom and understanding, and avoid distractions. It emphasizes setting goals and thriving instead of just surviving.
A page from a book titled 'Aftermath of Buying' focuses on mastering one's mindset. The text advises taking time to meditate, surround yourself with wisdom and understanding, and avoid distractions. It emphasizes setting goals and thriving instead of just surviving.
Nosso compromisso com você
Juntos, alcançamos metas

Acreditamos que a disciplina é a chave para o sucesso. Aqui, você encontrará apoio, recursos e uma comunidade motivadora para ajudá-lo a se tornar a melhor versão de si mesmo.

Serviços de Disciplina

Transforme-se em uma pessoa disciplinada com nossos serviços personalizados e apoio contínuo.

Coaching de Disciplina

Apoio individualizado para desenvolver hábitos saudáveis e alcançar seus objetivos de disciplina pessoal.

A top view of a notebook open to a page with the headings 'The Weekly Worksheet,' 'Roles,' and 'Goals' written at the top. Each column lists aspects like spiritual, physical, mental, and social/emotional, along with a central note 'Sharpen the Saw.' A pen rests diagonally across the page. Next to the notebook is the book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen R. Covey, placed on a textured gray surface.
A top view of a notebook open to a page with the headings 'The Weekly Worksheet,' 'Roles,' and 'Goals' written at the top. Each column lists aspects like spiritual, physical, mental, and social/emotional, along with a central note 'Sharpen the Saw.' A pen rests diagonally across the page. Next to the notebook is the book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen R. Covey, placed on a textured gray surface.
Workshops Motivacionais

Participe de workshops interativos que promovem a disciplina e a motivação em sua vida diária.

A collection of self-help and motivational books are neatly organized on a black bookshelf. On the top shelf, there is a small stack of books including 'Tuesdays with Morrie', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', 'Think and Grow Rich', and 'The Power of Now'. The bottom shelf displays a variety of books such as 'The Alchemist', 'Freedom from the Known', and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. The setup suggests a personal library focused on personal development.
A collection of self-help and motivational books are neatly organized on a black bookshelf. On the top shelf, there is a small stack of books including 'Tuesdays with Morrie', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', 'Think and Grow Rich', and 'The Power of Now'. The bottom shelf displays a variety of books such as 'The Alchemist', 'Freedom from the Known', and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. The setup suggests a personal library focused on personal development.

A comunidade disciplina me transformou! Aprendi a ser mais focado e a alcançar meus objetivos. Recomendo a todos que buscam mudança e crescimento pessoal.

João Silva

A wooden desk holds a spiral-bound notebook with dotted pages displaying calligraphy reading 'MAKE progress or MAKE excuses.' A transparent liquid-filled bottle and a black pen are placed nearby.
A wooden desk holds a spiral-bound notebook with dotted pages displaying calligraphy reading 'MAKE progress or MAKE excuses.' A transparent liquid-filled bottle and a black pen are placed nearby.


A person with shoulder-length dark hair sits cross-legged on a light wooden floor, reading the book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. The individual is dressed in a green shirt and light blue jeans. On the floor beside them, there is a stack of books and a red mug.
A person with shoulder-length dark hair sits cross-legged on a light wooden floor, reading the book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. The individual is dressed in a green shirt and light blue jeans. On the floor beside them, there is a stack of books and a red mug.


Explore momentos que transformam sua disciplina e autoconhecimento.

A stack of self-help and motivational books with colorful covers is neatly arranged. The titles include 'The Power of Now', 'The War of Art', 'Mindset', 'The Miracle Equation', and 'Your Best Year Ever'.
A stack of self-help and motivational books with colorful covers is neatly arranged. The titles include 'The Power of Now', 'The War of Art', 'Mindset', 'The Miracle Equation', and 'Your Best Year Ever'.
A person holding a book titled 'Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence' by Daniel Goleman in front of their face. The background is a plain light color, and the person is wearing a beige shirt and jeans.
A person holding a book titled 'Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence' by Daniel Goleman in front of their face. The background is a plain light color, and the person is wearing a beige shirt and jeans.
An open book is displayed with a visible page featuring large bold text at the top reading 'HOW TO KNOW YOU'VE EVOLVED more than you GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT FOR.' Below is a paragraph discussing personal growth and self-reflection, encouraging readers to acknowledge their achievements.
An open book is displayed with a visible page featuring large bold text at the top reading 'HOW TO KNOW YOU'VE EVOLVED more than you GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT FOR.' Below is a paragraph discussing personal growth and self-reflection, encouraging readers to acknowledge their achievements.